FYI - In Character Forum display name renames

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FYI - In Character Forum display name renames

Post by avliswebadmin » Tue Jun 30, 2020 5:41 pm

There have been a number of requests over the years and more recently with regards to naming of several of the in character forum titles. Where once it may have made sense to have the main forum reflect the major city for a nation, they have evolved over the years to encompass more of those particular nations and other thriving towns. The following display name changes have been made to better fit how they are used.

City of Le'Or is now Cities and towns of T'Nanshi
City of Mikona is now Cities and towns of M'Chek
City of Nanshi Urbaz is now Cities and towns of Deglos

This does not affect links or url's for these forums and is purely cosmetic (display only).

We always welcome other suggestions that make sense or long overdue updates! Thanks!
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