Good evening Suse! Or is it morning on your side of the globe (Australia)?
Still morning, though only just
How's the weather?
Wet! Rain has been been intense most of the year so far
Rain season is only getting started where I am (Mexico). What's on your playlist?
Ahh.. lots of stuff really. I have a pretty huge music collection, though I must admit recently I have been listening to lots of 80's music. (yes I am old enough to remember the 80's)
What about games? Anything on your radar beside Avlis, lately?
Nothing big, not doing any large MMO's at the moment, I usually like building and strategy games if I'm not Avlising. Fairly into Going Medieval at the moment, oh, Minecraft, definitely Minecraft

Back to Avlising. In 2022, we mark 20 years of Avlis on Neverwinter Nights. When did you join?
Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:46 am !
Did you ever imagine you'd still be here, almost two decades on?
Not at the time

Oh wow. Were you accepted from your first try?
Ha! No. Or my second.. or third

We do expect people to have spent some months on Avlis, before reaching for the DM wand. -โ Tell us about your DM experience outside of Avlis Neverwinter Nights?
Ahh, well I think I was about 8 or 9? when I first played D&D, and then of course.. wanted to be a Dungeon Master. So DMed on and off with different groups, since always it feels like. Even a kid though, I was always the storyteller, the one who made up the games for the neighborhood kids and such. I'm pretty sure I scarred several of my cousins for life

As a DM, how do you come up with story lines? Do you wake up with an idea, or just what happens in Plethora's brain?
A bit of both really, some storylines live in my head, and they grow. A lot though, come from player interaction, not just things they do, but their personal goals as characters as well. I try to think about persistence a lot, laying clues, and story foundations.. leaving them, coming back. Love it when I return to a story and watch everyone go "Oh, we know about this!" and take action!
What is your favorite Avlis storyline that you did not write (or co-write)?
Tough question?
Well until recently, I have rarely been involved playing in anyone else's story, and I always have a small part, at least to oversee in most plots.
Swapping chairs, then. As a player, what do you enjoy the most about Avlis today?
I think probably the community, it doesn't matter who I play, it's always fun with great people to play with
Any memorable story from the Avlis community that you can share? Talking about the wonderfully weird people behind the characters.
So many, too many! I would be hard pressed to pick one

That's fair. Right now, Avlis is preparing for a transition to Neverwinter Nights EE. What's at the top of your mind, as a world leader?
Mostly thanking the gods for such wonderful co-workers!
The Avlis gods, right?
Any gods that will listen! Everyone is working pretty hard, doing what they do best, which is amazing. For me, I'm working with the DM team, to make sure the IC reason for EE plotline, gets run, and getting ready for new plots, in the New World
Apocalyptic prophecies keep popping up on the IC forums . Beyond those, what future do you envision for Avlis, from your Head DM seat? Give us a hint.
Well, like everyone (even though we are a little late to the party) I'm hoping the move to EE will bring in fresh players, and people. For a lot of DMs, including myself, it's the characters that motivate and inspire, so who knows !

No spoilers. Last question, then, and one that I have been itching to ask. Australia is the internationally recognized land of "nope", when it comes to animal life and insects. Is it really as scary as all that?
Not so much in the cities, in the bush and the outback though, itโs pretty hectic. Most Australians though learn early, and usually the hard way, how to avoid the wild life
And the neighborhood kid with Dungeon Master aspirations.
Ha! at one of my cousinsโ 21st birthday, she was quite drunk, and at the end of her speech pointed at me and was like "YOU ! You made me believe in Fairys! And.. and I ACTUALLY SAW THEM !!" Never underestimate the power of a good story

Never. Thank you for this interview, and see you In Game!