Picture stolen from ... yeah...facebook!
ninja takes a long walk and ends up at MadKat's interview room. He turns to her and smiles.
ninja: Okay MadKat. This is the interview the community has been waiting for. Everyone wants a peek inside that massive brain of yours. Thanks for taking the time away from the toolkit. First question, what brought you to Avlis?
MadKat: I was introduced to Avlis from one of my pnp friends shortly after I bought Neverwinter Nights.
ninja: Oh yeah? Does that person still play?
MadKat: Sadly no, he got busy makin making a family heh.
ninja: I guess there is a different toolkit for that. What characters do you play when you have time to login as a player?
MadKat laughs
MadKat: When I do get a moment to log in I have two characters I play, one is Nai Lani a Verossan druid she has quite a history labelled a terrorist in the nation of MChek after an incident in South Hill resulting in the mass murder of 2000+ citizens. Returned by the gracious Storm bitch after being hung for her crimes in Mikona, these days she lays low in the shadows watching and waiting. The other character is Fade Redweth, an Ebony mage, former Great Mage of Arms, which is quite an accomplishment for a Ghost elf. Married to Elyl of the Red order, Fade is often seen in the form of a cow due to her husband's wild magic, which despite her keen interest in evocation and necromany she is very tolerant of. Fade spends a great deal of time in the depths of the Underdark away from the luminance of the suns effect on her skin and furthering her skills in the darker magic.
ninja: I remember both characters! Fun times. Next question, why did you decide to join the Avlis team?
MadKat: At first I joined the QA team because I genuinely wanted to do do my part in making Avlis a better place and bug free as possible.
ninja: I've been QA, and its not a glamorous job. You are appreciated for it! What are some of your memorable experiences as the lead producer and cornerstone of Avlis?
MadKat: Most memorable, there is both good and bad, like the only vault rollback to ever happen in the history of Avlis on my watch ( still have night terrors over that) on the brighter side seeing positive feedback and excited players over new content and fixed content always totally makes my day.
ninja: You have made many players and teamies very happy! What was your favorite plot you ran?
MadKat: I had a lot of fun running the Mikona lifestone plot with DFL. Chaos and the life crystal, death of Drem, spiritual meetings, healing the stone, appointing a new keeper and copius amounts of wild chaos. Second favourite wasn't so much a plot but the Aussie pubcrawls were a lot of fun too, because where there is an Avlis Pub there is always some something bound to happen right?
ninja: What happens on an Avlis Pub Crawl, stays on an Avlis Pub Crawl.

MadKat: Haha even though I totally suck at it I have a lot of fun with dwarves. I remember once in a total mental blank I was dm'ing and googling dwarven phrases and lines from lord of the rings hahaha.
ninja: That's the way I feel about elves. Just take normal words and add a few apostrophes. Instant elftalk! What do you like about the team?
MadKat: I like how everyone on the team is unique, each member has their own strengths, talents and opinions which when bundled as a whole with a common denominator ie a love for Avlis, results in a recipe for awesomeness.
ninja: No doubt. We are all snowflakes! What advice would you tell a player who is thinking about applying to join the team?
MadKat: Doo Eet. In all seriousness though I would say read the application through first and then sleep on it. Don't rush, be yourself, be thorough and for the nine's sake spellcheck.
ninja: I don't know how blondy made it through

MadKat: Probably Counterstrike, Witcher, DragonAge or Fallout those would have to be my favourite pc games.
ninja: I love DragonAge and Fallout. I have wasted countless hours collecting achievements. What keeps you around as a player/DM/cornerstone?
MadKat: I've grown very attached to Avlis and its wonderful community. I have met so many people and learned so much in the err 6 years (wow 6 yrs!) I've been involved. The servers are like my children and the team and players are like my family. It never gets boring, there is always something to do and if it wasn't for Avlis I most certainly wouldn't have landed my dream job.


MadKat: lol try and catch up on forum reading and posting, play! and give cookies and unexpected things to players.
ninja: NOM NOM NOM! What's on your 5 song playlist?
- 1. S&M - Rihanna
2. Space bound - Eminem
3. Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off - Panic at the Disco
4. Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
5. Bella's song - Robert Patterson
MadKat: I'm a level designer, I contruct 3d environments for games on Apple devices.
ninja: Ooh neat! Any games I may have played? I love my iPad.
MadKat: Keep your eyes peeled for The Shadow Sun when it's released.
ninja: Deal! Last question...what is something interesting about you that has nothing to do with games or Avlis?
MadKat: I have many hobbies, I love to paint, draw and take random photo's, I am a rose fanatic and I like to geocache.
ninja: Geocache! Nice. I didn't know how many other folks did that. It's pretty fun (and a tad dumb in a good way). Well thanks for the interview MadKat! Any parting words?
MadKat: You can stop reading this awesome interview now and log in to Avlis...yeah you know you want to!
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