I came late to this event, the Red Star, but the roleplay around it has been spectacular!
Archibald, the wizard who tinkers with the towers. He has been just fantastic, trying to be harried as the end was nigh but still taking time to log in and share what he knew, post what he knew and answer questions.
Thienna, in my humble opinion, the heart of it. She was relentless in sharing and inclusion.
The team of Lexi and Scel, through all the challenges and transformation, they were such an iconic duo. Good to see them together at the end!
Dameon, the ever-present dark good guy. Okay, not good but trying to bend a character to be helpful and inclusive is no small feat. Well done, bone man.
Ronan, thanks for the graveyard and the mystery!
All the psions, Emick, Sarith, Egil, Lily, and so many I will forget names, the way you all honed skills and worked together was fantastic.
The Trust magi, the ones involved were at least forum wise totally into some wild stuff working on the Monolith. It was fun to read! Special shout out to Fabs and Harlow for working in game with Hayley to get to be included!
Kurn/Jones, just loved the interactions separate and together!
Auryna, loved the pop ins and the fun! (DM rave later)
Finn, my favorite party person. Nawen, my runner up. I loved seeing all the game interactions around the Star, the people involved, the protection of the common folk.
Glora-Tor, together or apart, you were so fun to play with and work on making banes!
I loved working with the warriors on making the last Bane for the Monolith, they each gave it so much flavor and I had a blast. Long live the meatshields of Avlis.
Special shoutout to my coven, not by names but you know who you are. Having a sisterhood in game is so important for my little witch, it will absolutely change her dynamic and her play. Thanks for bringing me aboard! The future is going to be rad.
The Team, holy cow, the team. Amby events were some of my favorite of all time. Verossa, E_T, BRF, in fact, every DM has been apart of something amazing that I got to experience!