Role Players Anonymous

Suck up to that special character, player, DM, (insert something else here) in your life!

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Role Players Anonymous

Post by Plethora » Fri Feb 14, 2020 4:15 am

Hey all !

With the passing of RPotM, one of the things I got a lot of feedback on was people do actually like being able to comment on other people's RP without necessarily putting their names on it.

So we bring you the the RPA !

Here you can use the magic comment button, that will go to the place we used to vote for RPotM, and at least once a week, I will check the account and post up comments for you anonymously, if that is what you prefer.

The rules are simple.

You can comment once, comment twice, 13 times if you like..
You can comment as often as you like, under any account
You can comment for anyone or anything. Roleplay, areas, DMs, systems. Anything you think is great.

We wanted to have this so people could go at the end of event, or after finding something cool, and just hit the button and have their say, for those that might be a bit more shy with their praise (we know you're out there! )

Role Player Anonymous!
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by Plethora » Sat Feb 15, 2020 12:54 am

A big thumbs up for the originality and fun that bring a bard who is a master of puppet.

The Hash family, some of the funniest and unexpected RP so far!

As a longtime fan of Bronson's Journal, I was looking forward to encounter Bronson in game. When it finally happened, I was not disappointed. There is a consistency to this character that just sticks with you.

Karmic Flower, great moments every time you're around :D
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by Plethora » Sun Feb 16, 2020 11:14 pm

Many thanks to Ronan and all who participated in the Zvidureth Speed Dating event! Fun times!
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by Plethora » Sun Feb 23, 2020 12:38 am

Eko, the bestest DOOMsinger! Always fun to hang with.

Gann Eider, I've missed this stinky bastard, good to have him back.

Kassha Firehart, who is always good for shenanigans and a laugh.

Uralla, solid and enjoyable.
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by Plethora » Fri Feb 28, 2020 2:39 am

Marie, still awesome, and what a tribute to a great NPC - excellent stuff. Sure she's not part bard?

Kassha, helping his minion become even more dangerizing, and some awesome RP while he's at it. Huzzah!

Rhys, ohh, how my character's opinion has gone through a total 180 after recent revelations, but... some great RP and drama! Look forward to more!

Also raves to super sekret groups with recent forum activities - always enjoy reading those! I could name them for the GLORY but then I've have to keel you.
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by Plethora » Sun Apr 19, 2020 12:58 am

My character's interactions with B cover the whole range from complete agreement to biggest contrast, and their dynamic is very interesting. I hope to see more of it in the future.

Kassha amplifies and encourages everything my character is up to and I love it.

Eko: dangerizer, AGENT of CHAOS and salesbird extraordinaire. Soon with goats!

Alinee: fount of snark under the right circumstances. It feels like there is a great story waiting here.

Drog: He takes unexpected sewing challenges in stride, now he just needs to work up the courage to admit he's the one who is curious instead of shifting the focus to others.

Everyone of you, players and DMs alike, who make the world feel alive and lived in: stay awesome.

A shout-out to the lot of currently active Angadarian PCs. Every time I run into one or more of them, it's an adventure (hey B, I prepared explosive runes today)!
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by Plethora » Sat May 30, 2020 11:44 pm

Marie. The only person in the world that is an adverb. A Maria is gonna Marie.

B So dedicated to his dislike of pigeons that during a battle he will still s**t talk them and refuse their spells with few other casters available.

Amir Danolyan: I have never been able to encounter this player character in game. I just keep following their noticeboard participations. I cannot help myself. Amir is crack.

Marie: The unsung hero of M'Chek and many other lands. The best detective. The most staunch in her beliefs, never back down, faithful, lawful-- ...wait.

Nawen: If someone gets "range" right, that's Nawen. Fairy flutter one moment, nose-in-a-book Sage the next, the Lady of Drakehall. She also got "ranger" right. As in, she's got herself one alright.


Auryna Ak'hanrye: Reinventing herself constantly. Thank you for sharing (character journals, community news at Nature's Enchantments and more).

Rhys'lryn Si'Vidicuss: You know what? I got nothing. Nothing.

Grace Dane: For someone with such a long history In Game, Grace is in serious danger of becoming indispensable. But she is rarely predictable, alignment be damned. Can't wait to see what this one does next.

Kassha. Accept no substitute!

Mai a.k.a. Fehl. Competitive! But such bad luck with the capstan.

Ilomas Tahm'lieulia has whipped himself into shape and is going places!

Prahksu Vernum, an aging orc... on a boat. Such dedication when cleaning the cannons.

Rollek Heloc has made one of the best IC public posts I've seen in a while. Really well done. Shame he noped out on Penguintopia (yes that's totally a thing!)

Janur da'Medican: it's fun to reconnect with the past.

Kosjixen, so impressed by the giant dragon.

Deider of Pelar, aka how to add +20 to the DC for any communication check (I had fun)

Alinee Blake has firmly rooted herself in the Field of No More Fucks To Give.

Hearing Four say "thkeletonth" is an experience in itself.

Fignar Beln, amazing competence when he gets to act on the warrior part of drunk dwarf warrior!

Wax, another killer performance of "I like swords!"

Fellock, the most famous! Second bestest kenku! Devourer of snacks!

Rodrick Goodman: what do you do when 4 Confounders invade your Gorethite tower? You hold a sermon! And a good one too!
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by Plethora » Wed Jul 29, 2020 10:53 pm

Lily, oh Lily. She is pure gold and I love every minute of the time I get to enjoy her company, especially while giving sermons!

Moriand deserves many raves for his awesome CTS class. It was great and he is a fantastic character.

Fellock - ever the nemesis, ever the fun guy to play with - or against. Lots of fun. Keep doing you and being awesome. Thank you for the good times and hearty laughs. Much appreciation for the greatness that is the eater of all the things. Though - we both know - not the best Kenku ever. <3 <3 <3

Ghakon Ironfinger - met him several times and I've always been impressed with him and his RP. Fear the Finger. For it brings awesomeness. And doom, naturally. I'm blown away by him being so great, for such a new addition to our community. Looking forward to a lot more from him in the future.

I've never seen the potential of a PC be maximized quite like Sterre has, and only they know how much that really is!

Illomas has certainly spread their wings in this last plot. They earned a pay raise!

Lily put on a wonderfully thought provoking sermon. 2020, the year of self-love!

Let it be on record that Janur is truly a gentleman and a scholar!

Rollek has been a stoic force and wields bureaucracy like a weapon!

Kosjixen, I can never tell if he is driven by a visceral curiosity to learn or if he is really just hungry. Always a pleasure to stick around and find out.

If "B" isn't short for "Bad@ss" then I'm stumped. It's like watching the Punisher grow wings. Guaranteed Summer blockbuster.

Props to Lilliana Beletane for telling it like it is.

Fellock may not be the comic relief we need, but he's the comic relief we deserve. Kudos!


Four continueth to be an abtholute treathure. May thhe never change.
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by Plethora » Wed Jul 29, 2020 10:54 pm

Rodrick Goodman. What more can be said besides the fact that he lives up to his family name! What a great guy!

Alaria has shown that Illomas is not the only one due for a bump in pay grade, if not some hazard pay! (Sorry Janur)

Lachlan and Garthond both get props for being as dwergen as can be!

Thorn Shadowstar makes the list because of a great first impression and I can't wait to run around with them more!

Auryna keeps rolling out with the arcs and this volume looks exciting!

Grace Dane, threw the best party ever and I wish I could have gotten to know them more!

Glorandrea, Kiranring, Mirkduil, and Sekor and all the folks at ACE get props for being wonderful and persistent teachers!

Crusher is the best psionic dwarf I've ever met! Nevermind that he's the only psionic dwarf I've ever met! :mrgreen:

Tycho is very much proving himself to be a great leader!

Marigold has to be the best cartographer Negaria has ever seen!

Go Naren, God of Performers! I'm sure I'm not the only thinking up a Narenite right now!

And of course a MASSIVE kudos to the team and the entire community for making this lock down suck a lot less!
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by Plethora » Wed Jul 29, 2020 10:54 pm

Ilomas Tahm'lieulias. What a performance.

Kassha Firehart. He knows what he did.

Drogridoc Shadowviper, solid and quietly awesome.

Rollek Heloc for some interesting times during the Brekon plot.

Azga. What is he hiding underneath that stoic exterior and perfectly popped collar?

Raluca Istok, right about almost everything (except trees and white shoes).

Fellock! Bane of snacks and SO FAMOUS!

Fignar Beln, who makes people faint with his most charming smile.

A shoutout to Janur da'Medican, for pulling off a very believable "same person, but old".

Sammuel Valorian, having trouble to remember all these young people's names.

Ish! Errr... *runs away*
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by Plethora » Wed Jul 29, 2020 10:54 pm

If there is a real Warrior Maiden about the lands. Then her name is Glorandrea. She lives in a tree that has a tree in it and makes stuff and things for others but that only scrapes the surface. When she hears of trouble she is ready to stand by your side to protect, guide you through it, and battle against darkness with you.

Twiggy/Sam - oh man, the sessions I've had with him lately have been a blast. They are always thought provoking and fun. There are some interesting things that are coming out of our discussions too! I love it and look forward to more!

Gann/Dirigible - so nice to see him around and about recently, Gann is great. I hope we get to see more from him in the future!
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by RPotM » Fri Mar 19, 2021 4:04 am

I just want to say that the experience of this game and getting to roleplay with everyone, the stories told, characters met and bonded with/explored, the events held by both player and DMs, the NPCs, the areas/settings that come to life with's just awesome!

I adore playing it, it is incredibly unique and awesome and I love it! From the good-hearted characters to the villains to everyone in between and the NPCs and DMs that make their lives just...a wild ride, thanks! I've never experienced something quite like it and that special-ness keeps me coming back, logging in, and seeing just what is going to happen.

Avlis is amazing because of you all! Keep on keeping on!
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by RPotM » Sat Dec 11, 2021 4:14 am

Tis the Season to Brag on..... anyone and everything you like!

We each put a lot of time, energy, and free time into this world, whether it is behind the scenes, as a DM, or as a player. Rave your fellow buddies and add to the spirit of giving this holiday season.

Please add to this post, another rave, or PM this account if you want your praise to be anonymous!

Any PM's received will be collected and posted at the end of each week.

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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by RPotM » Sat Jan 01, 2022 2:03 am

I want to rave the auto-gather plant option, the plethora of newbie quests, the welcoming players, and the stellar DMs
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by RPotM » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:54 pm

There are SO MANY great players/characters to rave, but I want to shout out to Drevin Jhoom for consistently making me laugh whenever I'm in an event he's present at, and for making me laugh again when I read the log afterward and see the extra Jhoom zingers I missed! :)
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by RPotM » Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:28 am

Hamlet/Zoozah, Hamlet/Alaria - they are so different but are both completely engaging, with complex backgrounds (profound understatement) and rich personalities
Fabello - you just feel the Romini and Red Mage with every thing he says and does
Lexy - what can I say? Who else could get away with throwing themselves into Tor’s arms, lecturing Dameon on being nice, flirting with EVERYONE, all while weighing maybe 100 lbs?
Caydo/menagerie - they are awesome. Current favorite is Krek’siss - healer extraordinaire, just a hair’s breadth from being utterly naive, and only suffers mildly from the poor pun virus
Amby/Rylee - no-nonsense, reliable for straight-talk, tough-guy(gal) attitude. She really should be leading a pirate’s crew. I mean that. Seriously.
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by RPotM » Wed Jul 06, 2022 2:05 pm

Dameon for the quick and very on-brand wit that sells me on his brilliance!
Snuggle Tooth for excellent RP that makes me want to know more!
Eternal Time (as Marja) for putting in the research work!
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by RPotM » Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:53 pm

Krek'siss is absolutely a joy. I love a good healer. I cannot wait to get to know them better.
Oggie Eddlethorp, for secret prayers and not getting the joke. He knows what he did. If y'all ain't had the opportunity to hang out with Oggie, you're missing out.
The Order of Gorethar is back and fantastic! I am happy to see so many goodies out and about!
Fabello, Fabello, Fabello. He is a pure magical powerhouse, as a mage and a character.
Thienna is a staple of Avlis and an absolute dear for sharing information over and over and over with people who may not be familiar. Never a comment or eye roll after having to say the same spiel to so many new or uninformed PCs. Sharing of knowledge is absolutely detrimental to the health of Avlis and I am glad she has so much of it. Archibald too, he may be less enthused ICly about it but he still does! Lily, Finn, all the "old timers" have been there adding information, too. Thank you so much for getting me up to speed! Never too busy to help a "newbie".
Love love love time with Lily. She is such an interesting PC.
Krek'siss, Krek'siss, Krek'siss, OMG Krek'siss! I am deeply in love with Krek'siss. Genuinely funny, but with great depth of character; a goal to strive for.
Lexy is complex and ever so cheerful!
I know I can include DMs! My limited playtime often puts me at a loss in terms of DM involvement but Jazz and Ambrosia have been so great!
MOAR VIOWENCE! Raving all the talented songwriters involved in that group. Your work's appreciated.
Kanos! love the low key events. I am glad to have a little time to just talk and be characters, especially with all the looming BIG BAD.
all the DMs doing the mage meetings, that is a lot of work with all those personalities and voices It made it come alive
All the inclusion posts, getting people involved. It is wonderful!
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by Ambrosia » Sat Jul 30, 2022 8:49 pm

As July comes to a close, please take some time out of your week to send in a comment or three about your fellow characters!

Ya'll rock!

Game on!

Plethora wrote:
Fri Feb 14, 2020 4:15 am
Hey all !

With the passing of RPotM, one of the things I got a lot of feedback on was people do actually like being able to comment on other people's RP without necessarily putting their names on it.

So we bring you the the RPA !

Here you can use the magic comment button, that will go to the place we used to vote for RPotM, and at least once a week, I will check the account and post up comments for you anonymously, if that is what you prefer.

The rules are simple.

You can comment once, comment twice, 13 times if you like..
You can comment as often as you like, under any account
You can comment for anyone or anything. Roleplay, areas, DMs, systems. Anything you think is great.

We wanted to have this so people could go at the end of event, or after finding something cool, and just hit the button and have their say, for those that might be a bit more shy with their praise (we know you're out there! )

Role Player Anonymous!
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by RPotM » Sun Aug 28, 2022 2:27 am

Great to see Elainee back. The (not so) subtle emotes, interactions, mannerisms, and character traits are magnetic.
Emick's a sweet, courteous straight-shooter who's nobody's fool, and a great team player!
Selene's interactions with Lady Darkwolf on top of the Champion's Keep in Elysia was spectacular. Simple but so very deep.
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by RPotM » Mon Aug 29, 2022 1:28 am

As the month nears its end, we're gathering comments! Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeend them on doooooooooown! :mrgreen:
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by RPotM » Sun Sep 11, 2022 7:09 pm

Faide for being super-competent, and always real. Plus, the player is a force for good.
Can I just say one thing about Thienna? I didn't know she had it in her. Seriously. Weeks on end of cat-herding? Did she level up in lazer pointers or something? Good grief! She did amazing!
OMG. Scelethid! That transformation for a plot end?! *chefs kiss*
I'm not going to sleep for a week!
Seer Ruv for a scarily accurate Tarot reading and the RP skillz to make me Believe!
Hat's off to Alexis and Scel for making me hate illithid more than I already did.
Admiring props to Akai for uncompromising dedication to always doing what the character would do, no matter what the circumstances or consequences, as seen in El "Here, NPC, take these 10 legacy tokens on the off-chance it might help to ease the suffering of a tortured soul" Caranlass, and Egil "I'm a'gonna kill this here squidface or die tryin'" Leifsson.
If Seer Ruv doesn't sell the DMs tickets for her tarot readings, she should! she'd get a full house!
Mama-bear Thienna, cat-herder extraordinaire!
Hamlet is an excellent writer and sharp as a tack. R.I.P. Yshae.
Everybody wants to know: Does Kurn know he's really enganged to Zoozaaaaaah? Is the brownie out to stab Kurn in the end?! Is it all an Underdark plot?!
I don't know why Olisa doesn't get more comments. She's Uncompromizingly Olisa. She's great. I'd confess a crush except she'd probably murder me.
Amaris and Selene. They're 10,000 times more scary than Dameon ever thought he could be.
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by RPotM » Sun Sep 25, 2022 1:35 am

Shout-out to scaylz for a consistent play of two very different characters. One of them is a consistent source of wisdom. The other is a consistent source of cute little lapses in judgement. It's not just the dice.
I will forever mix up Kanos' characters, but they're all fantastic
Emick! Emick! Emick! - One of Avlis' top underestimated characters.
What you need to do is swap out Archibald's coffee flask for perma haste.
Easley and Nora! My favorite fairybook wedding finally happened!
When the Shard made everyone try and feel certain things and Selene SUPER SNIFFED Finn, I about died :lol:
I hope we're all online when the bards get to sing their death opera! hahahaha
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by RPotM » Sat Oct 08, 2022 11:38 am

I came late to this event, the Red Star, but the roleplay around it has been spectacular!
Archibald, the wizard who tinkers with the towers. He has been just fantastic, trying to be harried as the end was nigh but still taking time to log in and share what he knew, post what he knew and answer questions.
Thienna, in my humble opinion, the heart of it. She was relentless in sharing and inclusion.
The team of Lexi and Scel, through all the challenges and transformation, they were such an iconic duo. Good to see them together at the end!
Dameon, the ever-present dark good guy. Okay, not good but trying to bend a character to be helpful and inclusive is no small feat. Well done, bone man.
Ronan, thanks for the graveyard and the mystery!
All the psions, Emick, Sarith, Egil, Lily, and so many I will forget names, the way you all honed skills and worked together was fantastic.
The Trust magi, the ones involved were at least forum wise totally into some wild stuff working on the Monolith. It was fun to read! Special shout out to Fabs and Harlow for working in game with Hayley to get to be included!
Kurn/Jones, just loved the interactions separate and together!
Auryna, loved the pop ins and the fun! (DM rave later)
Finn, my favorite party person. Nawen, my runner up. I loved seeing all the game interactions around the Star, the people involved, the protection of the common folk.
Glora-Tor, together or apart, you were so fun to play with and work on making banes!
I loved working with the warriors on making the last Bane for the Monolith, they each gave it so much flavor and I had a blast. Long live the meatshields of Avlis.
Special shoutout to my coven, not by names but you know who you are. Having a sisterhood in game is so important for my little witch, it will absolutely change her dynamic and her play. Thanks for bringing me aboard! The future is going to be rad.
The Team, holy cow, the team. Amby events were some of my favorite of all time. Verossa, E_T, BRF, in fact, every DM has been apart of something amazing that I got to experience!
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Re: Role Players Anonymous

Post by Ambrosia » Sun Nov 06, 2022 2:05 am

Please submit your comments for October if you haven't already!

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