Original Disclaimer: Overriding isn't terribly complicated but it can get to be trial and error if there are certain models and textures you don't like with any of these, so keep track of what you put in there. Otherwise, everything above just gets dropped into NWN EE's override folder. Bugs from improper or bad overrides can cause crashes and graphic glitches, so be sure of what you are putting in and what you are doing before you do it.New NWN Enhanced Edition Disclaimer: Most of the overrides here as far as I can tell still work as intended, but if you override and it breaks stuff in Avlis EE, that is not the team's fault. Be sure to check your overrides first before reporting any bugs.
So, NWN is pretty old now. These days I've been trying to look for graphical overrides that will help give a new look to things to refresh the game a little. Here are a few I found and currently use, and I would like to see what else people find if anything. All of these work with NWN online(including Avlis) and none of them affect gameplay in any way. Just remember, what you see is only what you see.
Undead Redux Last modified: 2015-12-05 15:04 - Gives most of the skeletal undead better textures and models. I love it.
Lord of Worms Creature Override Pack Last modified: 2015-12-05 14:19 - Includes various undead, goblin, ogre, ettin, earth elemental, and orc overrides. The undead differs slightly from above so use personal preference in which to override to use. Earth Elemental is bugged still so don't use that model or texture (This may have changed if someone wants to test let me know how it goes).
Ravenloft - POTM Override Skybox Last modified: 2016-08-26 09:14 - Way better skybox set than Bioware's.
Bugbear Facelift with Mummies Last modified: 2015-12-05 13:51 - Improves the bugbears and also gives the mummies a new look. Will override the other mummy override though so choose which one you like best.
Updated Werewolf Model Last modified: 2015-12-05 15:04 - Not a drastic change from the original but I like the new look.
D&D Classic Elementals Last modified: 2016-02-18 20:16 - I personally like this one but it also makes the models of some of the elementals bigger than what they originally were visually. In my experience, this hasn't really affected gameplay but if you are iffy about that don't get this. Doesn't override the elder models but if you want it to, make a copy of the ".mdl" files included and add on "eld" to the end of the ".mdl file names.
Aenea Transparent GUI Overhaul/Upgrade Last modified: 2015-12-13 22:18 - I don't like every aspect of this overhaul but the transparent GUI and colored HP bars can really make a difference in NWN. Try to pick and choose what you like here.
Lord of Worms ~ Minotaurs Last modified: 2015-12-05 14:20 - Better looking minotaur model. Don't use the appearance 2da included though.
Weapons Redux: Spears Last modified: 2014-08-22 17:30 - Maybe not many spear users around but if you want them to look different here you go.
Lord of Worms - Werewolves and Fire Giants Last modified: 2017-01-11 06:37 - Alright this one is a bit more complicated if you want to use it for an override. It is a fire giant and werewolf replacer. There are some caveats though. First, they replace the female fire giants with an alternate male model so you do not want to do that. For the fire giant, all you want to use from the mdls is c_gntfire.mdl for the male fire giant. For the werewolves, you'll have to outright rename models to get the one you want which I did not mess with at this time. I recommend it for the new fire giant though. You also need to export the files from the hak. You can use nwhak for this.
Creature Override Compilation Last modified: 2015-12-05 13:56 - Honestly only recommending this one for the trolls. Much of the content in it is already covered above or in Avlis' haks as separate models or is in other overrides I have linked. You'll find the trolls in Creature_I.7z. Not responsible for the results of trying to use any other overrides included.
Bioware Rural Trees Override Last modified: 2015-12-05 13:49 - Compatible with other tile overrides. This changes many of the skimpy default Bioware trees to be a bit more robust. There is also an override for the default placeable trees included to give them the same effect. Use bioware_rural_trees.zip, bioware_city_trees.zip, placeables_addon.zip, and enhanced_trees_placeables.zip.
NWNCQ Last modified: 2015-12-05 14:26 - Alright, a bit further into the thread you'll see this one discussed more. This override set is one I would recommend for advanced users only with time on their hands because there are more than likely aspects of it you'll want to remove after for whatever reason. However, if you REALLY want to give most of NWN's base tilesets a big change to give the game a new coat of paint, then give it a look.