Interacting with DMs -- A reminder to all players

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Alexandru Stanicu
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Interacting with DMs -- A reminder to all players

Post by Alexandru Stanicu » Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:59 pm

(from an earlier thread)
Alexandru Stanicu wrote:I am tired of hearing from the other DM's that they were attempting to warn a player about a problem that has been noticed, and the player gives the DM a hard time. I am going to start putting people's vaults in jail for this, and there is no further warning.

If a DM contacts you online, dont give them a hard time, they are doing their job. If you feel that you are being treated unfairly, then read this and follow the instructions.

Alexandru Stanicu
Avlis Team, Senior DM

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Bottom line time folks:
If a DM tells you to stop doing something, you stop. Right then, and without giving them a bunch of grief in the DM channel or by tells.
If you feel that you need to discuss what you are being asked to stop doing, then please do so politely via tells, AFTER you stop.
If you are not able to resolve the issue, then please follow the instructions of the DM on-line at the time. If you still feel that there is a problem, please read and follow the instructions.
Extended arguments online with a DM take up too much of the DM's time, time that they should be DMing.

I think that I have said enough about this, and I hope that I dont have to mention this again.

Alexandru Stanicu
Avlis Team, Senior DM
Last edited by Alexandru Stanicu on Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Alexandru Stanicu » Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:15 am

I think that I have said enough about this, and I hope that I dont have to mention this again.

I have to mention it again.

I dont care if you think you know the rules/policys better than the folks who wrote them, I dont care if you have been RP'ing since you were knee high to a halfling, I dont care if you think that your name meets the guidlines, DONT give the DM's online a hard time.
The DM's have been given behind the scenes guidance from the senior members of the DM staff and Orl on how to handle things.
If you give them a hard time expect to have your character end up in vault jail.*

-Alexandru Stanicu
Avlis Team, Senior DM

* All such cases are reviewed
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Post by Alexandru Stanicu » Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:53 pm

I wanted to add something:

If you dont agree with us, feel free to do so as long as it is in a politle fashon, and does not absorb a lot of DM time on line. (ie use PM's or email)
You may well have a vaild point, and if you convey it to us in a calm and curtious manner we will be more inclinded to listen to your point. It might not change a ruling, but then again it might.

If you are rude not only will we not be inclinded to give validity to your point, you just might end up with some time in Vault Jail.

I really dont want to have to post on this subject again, this makes the 3 time i have either bumped this or added to it since the start of 2005.
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Post by Alexandru Stanicu » Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:22 pm

I need to expand on this.
If you feel that a DM spawning things has ruined your RP, please dont send them sarcastic or rude messages in the DM chat, talk, party or tell to the DM.
If DM interaction with your character(s) really offends you please send an email to the team,PM the Head DM or to me. (Please PM me directly as last resort)

When you make rude remarks , it generally upsets the DM, who was simply attempting to give you some DM love, and leads to DM burnout.

This post constitutes the "Second Warning" on this topic.

*those who complain about being DM'd are subject to be ignored at a minimum.
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Re: Interacting with DMs -- A reminder to all players

Post by ninja » Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:01 pm

If a DM makes a decision that you are not happy with, chances are you will have to accept it. The DMs discuss most things with each other including researching IG laws, mechanics of the NWN engine, and Avlis History. Arguing and rules-lawyering will get you a)ignored, b) VJed, or c) banned.

In cases where you as a player don't get what you want, for the love of what is all holy, please just accept it and move on.
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Re: Interacting with DMs -- A reminder to all players

Post by Nighthawk4 » Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:33 pm

Once again I need to bump this rule. :(

If a DM asks you to do something then please do it, politely and promptly. We are here free of charge in order to help you all have fun here. We don't try to boss you around just for the hell of it - so if we ask you to do something there is a good reason for us to do so.

For example, sometimes we need to reboot a module. We announce this by a shout.

You might be in a really dangerous spot or in the middle of crafting something. If so, then please send a polite message on the DM channel asking the DM to hold on for a moment. The DM will respond and give you a few moments to get to a slightly less hazardous spot - or finish the crafting cycle and retrieve all items from the crafting device.

This does not mean you can continue all the way to the end of the dungeon or finish crafting a ton of ingredients. It means you get to a reasonable break point as quickly as possible. Remember that the DM and all other players on the module have interrupted their play and are now waiting for you.

If they feel you are trying it on, the DMs are perfectly free to boot you off the server, after waiting for a reasonable time. If it happens repeatedly with the same player, you will get Vault-jailed, or something like that - meaning you will be unable to play for a while.

You have been warned. :glaskugel:
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Re: Interacting with DMs -- A reminder to all players

Post by Grunt » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:53 am

Bumping this, even though I shouldn't have to.

Guys and Gals, we don't DM here because we want a second job. We DM here because we like creating short and long storylines, enhancing events, breathing life into the world, and interacting with the PCs using various NPCs. There's a lot of work to it, but we do so because we enjoy the results of our work.

Please don't give DMs a hard time when we ask you to do something.


Thaylis Beign: Morgan, did you cast recitation?
Morgan Thornheart: Yes
Thaylis Beign: *nods*
Morgan Thornheart: Aarilax blesses you all. Now get the fuck out of here.