Bottom line time folks:Alexandru Stanicu wrote:I am tired of hearing from the other DM's that they were attempting to warn a player about a problem that has been noticed, and the player gives the DM a hard time. I am going to start putting people's vaults in jail for this, and there is no further warning.
If a DM contacts you online, dont give them a hard time, they are doing their job. If you feel that you are being treated unfairly, then read this and follow the instructions.
Alexandru Stanicu
Avlis Team, Senior DM
Infomation about Avlis proceeedure for Punishment
If a DM tells you to stop doing something, you stop. Right then, and without giving them a bunch of grief in the DM channel or by tells.
If you feel that you need to discuss what you are being asked to stop doing, then please do so politely via tells, AFTER you stop.
If you are not able to resolve the issue, then please follow the instructions of the DM on-line at the time. If you still feel that there is a problem, please read and follow the instructions.
Extended arguments online with a DM take up too much of the DM's time, time that they should be DMing.
I think that I have said enough about this, and I hope that I dont have to mention this again.
Alexandru Stanicu
Avlis Team, Senior DM