DM Shopping - a Reminder

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DM Shopping - a Reminder

Post by Nighthawk4 » Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:30 pm

RCon wrote:Here's one I wouldn't think the Team should have to post, but it seems we do. When a DM says No, do not go shopping for another DM hoping to get another answer.

For instance, if you ask a DM to rebuild your PC and he/she says No, do not continue to ask other DMs. If you ask for XP to be returned, and the DM says No, do not shop for another DM to say yes. Ditto for items, gold, PrC unlocks, etc.
Just a reminder that this is not a good idea.

So what is DM Shopping ? :?

1. You want to do something and are not sure if it is allowed. You contact a DM and ask if you can do that. The DM does not give you the answer you wanted to hear.

2. You contact another DM and ask the same question - without mentioning that you have already asked someone else. This one gives you the answer you want to hear, so you think you have permission to do it. The second one is unaware that you asked the first one and has quite innocently given you a different answer.

3. If you still don't get the answer you want, then you contact another DM, etc.

This is DM Shopping - do NOT do it. It may well get you Banned :aufsmaul:

If you have a problem with the first answer and think the Team should reconsider, send a PM to the Dungeon Masters explaining the situation. Include the complete request, the reason for the request, the name of the DM you spoke with, and if possible, a log of the conversation.
Life is never as bad as you think it is, although that doesn't help at the time.
Orleron wrote:I think it's a fun idea if you can idiot-proof it. Problem is God always builds a better idiot. :P
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Re: DM Shopping - a Reminder

Post by Nighthawk4 » Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:07 pm

An additional Reminder:

Please do not DM Shop between CoPaP Worlds either :roll:
Alexandru Stanicu wrote:If you request something that is not allowed on Avlis and are denied, and them go to another CoPaP world and ask again and get approved, you may not bring that character back to Avlis.
1)You decide to retire your main and want to play the child of your main.
You ask and are told no on Avlis (because its against the rules), so you run to CoPaP world X, ask and are allow to do it. The second PC (the child of the first) is not allowed in Avlis.

2) You want to edit your bic so that you have a model that is not allowed or is not IC etc. You ask and are denied so you run off to CoPaP world X where they edit your bic, the character is not allowed back in Avlis.

To be clear, Characters are banned if this is done, not players.
If a player does this repeatedly, we may have to take other actions as well.

We didnt want to do this, but several incidents have forced us to.

Alexandru Stanicu
Avlis Team, Lead Producer
Life is never as bad as you think it is, although that doesn't help at the time.
Orleron wrote:I think it's a fun idea if you can idiot-proof it. Problem is God always builds a better idiot. :P
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Re: DM Shopping - a Reminder

Post by Ronan » Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:37 pm

Heyas folks,

As a courtesy to DMs, as well, if one DM (be it assist or event) is handling something with you - a private plot point, a refresh request, etc. - and especially if you have a time slot set up to work with them, please have patience and wait for that event/assist DM to help you. Do not reach out to other assist/event DMs for help.

If you reach out to them and they have suddenly become busy enough that they don't respond for a week or so, then please contact Pleth (event DMs) or Ronan (assist DMs) and let us know.